Delivering Training that Transforms and Empowers

Do you know that shifting the culture of safeguarding and neurodiversity is a gift that you can provide your entire organisation, stakeholders and service users? Having a culture of safeguarding and neurodiversity excellence allows your company to grow and your staff to flourish.
I’m Gabriella, and I deliver safeguarding and neurodiversity training and consultancy to a wide range of organisations, professional bodies, businesses and individuals. My training will clarify your understanding about how safeguarding and neurodiversity affects you and how you can help to protect yourself and the people you care for and support. You can read more about me here
Latest News – Neurodiversity In The Workplace
I am delighted to announce that I have qualified as a Thrive Instructor Partner to deliver CPD accredited Neurodiversity In The Workplace training for companies and organistions. But why does neurodiversity training matter to you and your business or organisation?
The Deloitte Mental Health for Employers 2022 report shows the following:
- There is a £56 billion cost to employers due to poor mental health, which is made up of Absenteeism, Presenteeism and Staff Turnover.
- This cost includes a £120 billion cost to the UK economy.
- However, there is a £5.31 return for every £1 spent on introducing wellbing to your staffing DNA and culture.
By focusing on creating an inclusive environment that recognises, supports and leverages the uniques strengths and needs of neurodiverse employees, the workplace culture can be transformed and the competitive edge of your business enhanced.
- To find out how I can support you do get in touch via email:
- To find out more about why I am passionate about this work, check out my blog about empowering organisations through neurodiversity and systemic safeguarding training: Click Here
Ten Signs Your Child Is Being Groomed
As parents and carers, we are tasked with keeping the children in our homes safe. We feed them, educate them, love them and keep them safe from danger. BUT what about the dangers parents/carers can’t see?
We know that the internet is a place where we need to exercise caution to be able to enjoy its benefits and we can educate our children to be aware. But paedophiles are clever and they know how to exploit vulnerable people. And that makes it difficult to recognise if your child is being groomed.
That’s why I put together this booklet, containing signs to look out for to tell if your child is being exploited. It also contains information about what to do next.
Best of all, it’s FREE. So what are you waiting for?
To get your copy: Click Here

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