Last month, as the news about the grooming that is happening on Spotify broke, I was invited to be interviewed on Oh No! Not Another Live Show! as they wanted to help highlight the issue and the very real danger that our children and young people are facing online. I have been a guest on their show before, and am really grateful to the hosts Tim and Christelle for their thoughtful questions and input, and for the opportunity to speak about what is going on.

You can watch the full show here: (100) Gabriella Russo: Safeguarding Trainer – YouTube

If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch – you can book a free chat with me HERE

I have produced materials for Foster Care Local Authority Leads and Foster Care Agencies to distribute to their teams, which you can get by clicking HERE and am working on packs for schools to distribute to parents which will also contain lesson plans for teachers to address this issue in the classroom, so watch this space!

I also provide tailored 1-2-1 online safety sessions for parents and carers – you can book HERE

And finally, I provide online safety training for professionals, and you can find the information HERE

Whatever you do, if you have questions or concerns, please don’t stay silent, do reach out!